How to Taste Gin
Our Gin lines are produced by distilling ethanol through our range of botanicals, up to 80% to ensure a smooth palate. This is then diluted with our Sapiir lines, a production process unique to Brunswick Aces.
As this product is still on the shelf at 40%, we recommend this is sampled like a traditional spirit, starting with 30ml in a wide rim glass.
We distill 100% of our Sapiir through our dedicated still, and for our Spades blend all of the distillates are condensed after the still head, meaning that it is a completely clear and clean product in the glass. You may notice some sediment and particulates in the liquid that have come over from the natural botanicals.
With two distillation processes blended together, our gin contains more aromatics than most, and will open with aeration by swirling the glass. You'll notice reduced viscosity through the "legs" on sides of the glass.
You need to aclimatise your nose to the ethanol here, so waft under your nose 3 times, inhaling a little deeper each time. Then you can nose the spirit to pick up the lighter botanicals, similar to the process for nosing the sapiir, but don't inhale too deeply as it can overpower the nose.
Take a sip and gently breathe air in through closed teeth to aerate the botanicals on the palate. Close the mouth and move the liquid over the tongue to register the flavours.
Hold in the back of the throat momentarily, and unlike the sapiir, spit the sample into a spitoon. The ethanol in the gin will still linger and you'll be able to savour the flavour without ruining your palate for any subsequent tastings.
Dilute remaining sapiir with 40-60ml of dry tonic or soda and repeat the tasting. Quinine, sugar, and carbonation open up the flavour profile of the blend. You'll notice how our gins provide a great base to build complex cocktails.

To experience Hearts blend, use 30ml gin to build a Feel the Heat highball cocktail. The spiced profile is balanced with the richness ginger beer and the sweetness of melon.
We recommend using sweeter garnishes like basil to contrast the spicier profile. The ethanol will carry through the aromas here so no need for an atomiser to release the profile.